Suspended for something SOMEONE ELSE did in 2010??? Really?

edited November -1 in Bug/Issue Reports

So as some of you might know (or not), My site lists games from roblox on my site.
The archive listings include the name of the games, the owners, the game icon etc.

One of the games on roblox (that was archived) is named "HACKED BY NINTENDOZACHERY"
don't believe me? it's right here ->

They named their game this in "2010". yet I'M getting suspended for this? ridiculous.

We have NO Control over what people name their games on roblox, it doesn't affect the performance nor what goes on in our site.

Furthermore, if staff had actually bothered checking the source then they would see there is nothing nefarious about my website.. do it, go look at "161.html" that you suspended me over.


  • JamieX
    edited November -1

    You will see in "161.html" there is nothing to have suspended me over.

    I uploaded this specific page source here for ALL to see:

  • Admin
    edited November -1

    Suspension issues are not dealt on the forum. You will have better chance of solution by sending support ticket.

  • ChrisPAR
    edited November -1

    @JamieX said:
    One of the games on roblox (that was archived) is named "HACKED BY NINTENDOZACHERY"

    They named their game this in "2010". yet I'M getting suspended for this? ridiculous.

    We have automated systems in place to check for malicious activity, and one of them most likely detected the phrase "hacked by" and suspended you for that.

    As said above, and in our pinned posts, suspensions are not dealt on the forum. Creating a ticket should get this resolved.

This discussion has been closed.